Social Pogress: 

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In Sanskrit the word pragati is used to move towards the attainment of a suitable objective or goal.  This means that as many goals will be there will be progress. Pragati is a Hindi version of the English word Progress, which is derived from the Latin word ‘pro-gredior’.

The word pro-gredior also means to move forward.  Social progress takes place at a time when the society should have its set goals and ideals or in terms of public welfare.  Regarding this notion of social progress, scholars have expressed their views on social progress as follows:

1.According to the MacIver and page: ‘Progress does not only sense the direction of social change, but there is also the feeling of moving towards some end goal.

2.According to Ogwarn and Nimcock: ‘Progress means better change and therefore involves value judgment.

3.According to Hobhouse: ‘Social progress is the growth of those qualities in social life that human beings can associate with values ​​or thoughtful values.

4.According to Lamle: ‘Progress is change but this change is a change in one desired direction, not a change in any direction.

In the essence of the above definitions, it can be clearly said that progress means such changes towards the goals recognized and determined by the society, which can enhance human welfare.



Key Features of Social Progress:


The following are the salient features of social progress-

1.The direction to move forward: It is essential to have the spirit of always moving forward in social change.  Social progress is the process of being advanced and moving in a certain direction.  Under this, in order to achieve definite and set goals, one has to move forward in a certain direction on the path of progress.


2.Instability and inequality in meaning: Progress is a social process in which variability is found.  Today we consider an ideology to be progressive, but after a few days, it is considered as anti-social sentiment.


3.Lack of universality: Although the process of social progress is a continuous process, yet progress is not uniformly in every place or society at the same time i.e. lack of universality is found in it.


4.Development in the desired direction: Sociologists have considered both development and progress as a form of social change.  The only difference between the two is that the social change that happens in growth can only happen in any direction, but the changes due to progress are always in a certain direction, usually the direction set by society.


5.Based on social welfare: Progress is the name of achieving fixed and set goals.  But at the same time, it is also necessary that those fixed and fixed goals are always motivated by the spirit of social welfare and the progress made on the basis of them should have social interest or maximum interest in it.


6.Accepted by the society: The action of progress is considered to be successful at the same time, while the social changes caused by progress should also be accepted by the society.  In other words, progress and social change is a change that is accepted by society.


7.Definite Purpose by the Group: Progress is the name of moving in a definite direction towards achieving certain objectives and ideals.  But at the same time, one of the main features of progress is that the objectives which are aimed at achieving progress in progress, are determined by the group itself.


8.Result of consciousness effort: Progress is not an automatic process like development.  Humans have to work to make this process work.  Different types of plans have to be made to achieve different types of objectives.  Instruments and instruments are invented to implement those plans.  Hence the progress of individuals.  Continuous and conscious labour results.


9.Functionality of members: A key feature of progress is that members who live in a progressing group or community have functionality.  Due to the workability of these people, progress is possible.  If people do not have functionality then the chance of progress is zero will remain.


10.Arrangement of parameters: Progress means set and definite objectives set by the group.  Attainment.  The extent to which these objectives have been achieved can also be measured is when there is maximum welfare of the members of the society, then the direction of progress is progressed and the measure of progress is determined on the basis of utility.  Hence progress can be measured.


11.Based on social values: How and in which direction progress will be made, it is decided by social values.  The social values ​​are based on the prevalent nightlife.  If the progress is according to the customs and social values, then the people of the group welcome it and if the direction of progress is contrary to the social customs and values, then progress is not approved by the group.


12.Means of increasing social qualities: Progress is the name of a condition in which the qualities of a person grow.  Social progress cannot be imagined if there is no possibility of increasing the qualities of the individual.  Two types of divine and divine qualities are found predominantly in a person.  Selfishness, jealousy, malice etc. are divine qualities.  Philanthropy, sacrifice, tolerance, tolerance, etc. are divine qualities.  In the process of progress, the divine qualities increase and the divine qualities are canceled.  It is known from the above description that Pragati is the name of moving in a certain direction by the society or group to achieve the definite and set objectives.  There is always a sense of social welfare in it.


Importance of social progress:


The importance of social progress can be explained in the following way-

1.Progress leads to development of intellectual and moral qualities in the society.

2.Technological development takes place in society due to the progress of society.

3.International relations are established in a progressive society itself.

  1. Progress is the soul of human society.

It is only fair to say the MacIver and Page, ‘To live means to work.  Working is selection and selection means evaluation.  Therefore, as a human being, we cannot separate from the notion of progress, although we have the right not to accept the notion of progress.


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Criteria for social progress:


The criterion of social progress is to determine the extent to which society has progressed or progressed in various fields.  Progress is evaluated only by some of its parameters or criteria.  But what are its criteria, it is difficult to tell anything definitively about them.  According to ES Bogardus, a society can be considered progressive when it has the following characteristics-

  1. If the standard of living of the members of the society is high
  2. If the people of the society have the feeling of supporting each other.
  3. If the people of the society are physically and mentally healthy.
  4. If there is a spread of education in the society that is helpful in the welfare of individuals.  
  5. The society will be progressive if there is a suitable environment conducive to the advancement of individuals in the society with the cooperation of the government and the public.
  6. The growth of appropriate means for family organization and recreation is also a sign of social progress.
  7. The society will be progressive if equal opportunities are provided by the state for the development of individuals and natural resources are used for public welfare.
  8. If there is a spread of fine arts in the society, development of divine qualities in humans and the spiritual life of the members of the society.
  9. If there is an increase in the housing level of the person.
  10. If there is special development of religious and spiritual aspects of human beings.
  11. If there is development of vocational, general and welfare education.
  12. If there is an increase in cooperative life.


Supporting conditions of social progress:


It is necessary to have the necessary conditions for progress in society, if there is a lack of these supportive conditions then the progress in the society will either be very slow or will stop.  Many sociologists, such as: Augvarn, Howhouse, Gannar Myrdal and Narmadeshwar Prasad, have mentioned many such supportive conditions which are necessary for social development and progress.  That is, without knowing these conditions, progress cannot be understood in perfection.  These conditions can be understood as progress-

  1. Industrialization: Industrial development is an essential condition of progress.  The truth is that without industrialization, the process of development and progress cannot become effective.  Industrialization leads to increase in material resources in the society, social mobility increases and changes in social values ​​are possible.  Today, all the developing countries are systematically trying to increase industrialization, so that they can increase the rate of ‘progress’.
  2. New inventions: Continuing new innovations in the world is also a necessary condition for social progress.  Each invention leads us on the path of progress and many possibilities of the future increase because our ignorance decreases day by day as a result of new invention and man can make his life comfortable and capable.
  3. Planning: Planning is very important for progress.  Whether planning is related to half of the field or social sector, it is possible to make maximum use of the resources available through it.  Later this condition gives individuals an opportunity to advance in the physical realm.
  4. Education: High level of education is a very necessary condition for social progress.  Through education, the individual and society get such external and internal power which speeds up its progress.  The progress of society is based on the development of the individuals from whom the society is made.  Education is the means by which only the social conditions and the environment prevail but your future and career can be secured.  This new environment can open the door to social progress.  Through education, a person not only has knowledge of current education but also generates such tendencies that inspire him to enrich social life by upgrading through new investigation


  1. Dynamic Leadership: In present societies, having a qualified and dynamic leadership is very important for progress.  Qualified leadership motivates individuals to accept new ways of working and trains them in such a way that they can be successful in achieving their goals.  This is the reason that in the fry of authoritarian leadership, the chances of progress in the democratic leadership countries are much higher.
  2. Experimental advancement: Technological progress in society is also helpful for social progress.  According to Karl Marx Technology is the wheel of society |  Max believes that as technology progresses in society, so does progress in society.  With the use of machines and computers, it is possible to produce more by less men.  In addition, trade and commerce flourish through means of communication and transportation.  Not only this, telephone, newspaper, T.V.  V.  With the help of Adi, our knowledge store increases day by day.  This increases social progress immensely.
  3. Mobility: There is a direct relationship between mobility and progress.  In a society, as: local and social mobility increases, the rate of progress also increases.  Increasing Spatial Mobility allows different groups to get in touch with each other, while increasing Social Mobility leads to useful changes in attitudes and attitudes of individuals over time.  The contribution of mobility in progress can be understood from the fact that in a society which is completely closed or in which no change in the status of the person is allowed, there is very little chance of development.
  4. Favourable geographical environment: The convenience of geographical environment and the availability of raw materials in sufficient quantity proves highly helpful for social progress.  A country that experiences extreme heat or extreme cold is not able to make much progress.  Similarly, societies inhabited by plateau, hilly and forested regions also cannot make much progress because the geographical conditions there are not very helpful.  Similarly, getting raw materials and minerals also helps the society to progress.
  5. Connection with other cultures: No society can move forward towards progress unless its relationship with other cultural groups grows.  Self-centered societies can progress only through difficulty.  By increasing contact with other cultural groups, one not only benefits from their inventions but also learns to change and amend them according to their needs.  In this case a person becomes successful in acquiring new means through very few efforts.  In the present societies, the rate of progress has been higher because all the countries have come in contact with each other and are taking advantage of their knowledge and inventions.
  6. Freedom and equality: The desire or goodwill of members of society to work hard for progress can only develop if the country is independent and people have equal facilities for self-development.  There should also be a feeling of hope and trust in the public.  The latest example of this is Japan and China, which have made considerable progress.
  7. Model Population and Health: Ideal population and health are also important supportive conditions of social progress.  Poverty in the country due to excessive population, Famines, epidemics etc., and calamities keep coming and in these circumstances the country cannot progress, similarly, if public health is deteriorated, then people will not be able to do the necessary remuneration for social progress.  Therefore, ideal and optimal population and advanced health are essential for social progress.


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