Suggestions for the demerits of Indian Census and their improvement

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Suggestions for the demerits of Indian Census and their improvement.

Shortcomings of Indian Census There are some defects and difficulties in the Indian census. This error is as follows

1. Lack of Comparability – The concepts used in the previous censuses, the geographical area and the basis of classification and tabulation of data have been different, due to which the lack of comparability remained in them. In the last five censuses, the terms census house, building and family have been defined differently. Then there has also been a difference in the number of questions asked in the individual slip of each census.

13 questions were asked in the 1961 census, 17 questions were added in 1971, 22 questions in 1981, 23 questions in 1991 and 23 questions were added in 2001. To calculate the literacy rate, sometimes 0-1 year age group and sometimes 0-6 age group was considered as the basis. The state of Assam was omitted in one census and Jammu and Kashmir was omitted in the next census. Thus the lack of symmetry is its main drawback.

2. Lack of Uniformity in Occupational Classification – Occupation wise classification reflects the working population pattern and employment conditions but on the basis of occupational classification in the last seven census of India, the number of classes and their election There has been a lot of disparity in terms of etc.

3. Census Errors – There are two types of confusions found in the Indian census – coverage confusion and content confusion. in the 1951 census. The under-counted delusions were 11 per thousand, 7 per thousand in 1961, 1.7 per thousand in 1971, 1.8 per thousand in 1981 and 2.2 per thousand in 1991.

These delusions are basically the result of misinformation, due to which ignorance of the detectors, superstitions, stereotypes on the one hand and negligence of the enumerators on the other hand are responsible. Information regarding marital status, caste, income and age is quite inaccurate. Many people do not know their exact age.

Some do not tell their exact age due to superstition because according to them the age is reduced by telling them. Unmarried boys and girls always tell their age less. Most of the ages are expressed as multiples of 5 or in subadjusted numbers. Shows age as 48 years. person 50 years

4. Insufficient Remuneration – Enumeration work in India is mostly done by school teachers, accountants and small level government employees. They are neither given adequate training nor remunerated. The first outside enumerator was paid Rs 24 in 1961, Rs 40 in 1971, Rs 100 in 1981 and Rs 325 in 1991. In the absence of proper remuneration, it is not possible to maintain accountability, efficiency.

5. Training of the Enumerators – The accuracy of the census depends on the efficiency of the enumerators. There are more people in the enumerators who have neither any interest in this work nor are they trained enough so that the results turn out to be inaccurate.

6. Indifference of the People – The answers to the questions are given by the persons giving information without thinking or are not given at all. The main reasons for the apathy of the detectors are their ignorance, apprehensions, fear of tax, family planning, unequal distribution of income and communalism.

Suggestions for Improvement 

Following are some essential suggestions for improvement in the upcoming census.

1. Public Participation In order to get the cooperation of the public, it is necessary that awareness should be brought through continuous publicity and broadcasting and public relations should be promoted. The suggestions of the public should be invited before the public awareness work, so that the common man can join it. Public cooperation is also obtained by taking the cooperation of non-government organizations in the enumeration work.

2. Appointment and Training of Enumerators – Enumerators and Enumeration Inspectors should be appointed on a permanent basis and attention should be paid to their training. They should also be paid adequate remuneration. This enables them to work with dedication and sincerity.

3. Data Processing The use of mechanical tabulation and computer system should be necessary for the legislation so that the census results can be quickly analyzed and published. In the 2001 census, the work of equitable legislation has been done by the computer system itself.

4. Census Research – Census is a very comprehensive and important work. Census research section should be established for its high level study.

5. Permanent Part of the India Plan – Population growth is the main problem of India. Therefore, it is necessary to include information on fertility and fertility in the census to evaluate the progress of population control or family planning programme. Therefore, important work like census should be made a permanent part of the plans.

6. Female Enumerators – Female Enumerators should be appointed for interrogating Pardanshin and illiterate women.

7. International Comparability — PopulationIn order to maintain international comparability in the data, there should be uniformity in the definitions and should be based on international standard commercial industrial classification.

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