Type Of Family

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Type Of Family

The family is a universal group.  It is definitely found in some form in every society.  Different forms of family are seen in different societies.  According to the culture of the society, 48 forms of family are determined.  The family can be divided on various grounds in the society.  Some of the major types are mentioned here


Types of Family on the basis of Number of Members

 Central or Nuclear Family – This type of family consists of husband and wife and their unmarried children.  In the modern era, the trend of the central family is increasing steadily.  Generally their member numbers are limited to 5 – 6.  Under this, other relatives are not included in the family.  As soon as the children become adults, they become a separate family.  The central family is actually a product of industrialization and urbanization.


 Joint Family: Joint family includes close relatives and blood relatives in addition to the central family.  Ordinarily, members of several generations live in a common place in such a family, their food is also made in a kitchen and their property is also collective.  Joint family follows socialist ideology.  Its members earn wealth according to their capacity and power, but it is consumed equally by all the family members.  This is to say that all members spend money according to their requirement.  Whether a person produces more or less, everyone is allowed to consume equally.  Joint family is the major feature of Indian society.  Such families are still found in rural areas.  In the joint family, the entire power of the family is concentrated in the head.  The head takes the final decision in every kind of case.  The decision of the head has to be accepted by each member of the family.  Regarding the division of property, marriage and education of children, the parents do not take the decision, but the decision of the head of the family is final.  The size of such a family is large, because the number of members in it is quite high.


 Extended Family – When the joint family is very dispersed, it is called extended family.  The inheritance remains the same.  The spirit of inheritance keeps them tied together in one sutra.  In the extended family, some of the next generation can live in a residence and an economic unit, but some are also divided as a separate unit.  This type of structure is loose and scattered.  This family is quite prevalent in African society.


 Mixed Family – Mixed family has mixed characteristics of both a single family and a joint family.  In industrial and urban areas, the family functions as a central or isolated one.  But theoretically he is tied to a joint family.  Living as a member of a joint family, one lives alone in cities.  As a result, their attachment to the joint family gradually decreases.  But at the mental level, there is a consciousness of the joint family.  Due to this, they participate jointly on marriage, marriage, social, cultural and religious occasions.  Thus a mixed family is similar to a central family at the economic level and a joint family at the mental level.  The number of such families is increasing in urban areas of India.  Their organization and size is of medium level.





  Types of Family on Marriage Basis


 Monogamous Family – In this type of family, a woman has a marital relationship with a man.  A woman or man is allowed a second marriage only after the death or dissolution of the spouse.  The size of a married family is quite small.  Only husband and wife and their children are involved in this.  This family is more prevalent in civilized society.  Most of the society in the world is seen as a married family.  With the advancement of civilization, the number of single families is also increasing.  Vidhahi Family (Polygamous Family) – In this type of family, a woman has a marital relationship with many women of CO 4 hands.  From this point of view let the polygamous family.  Is of type


 Polygynous Family: In such a family, a man has many legs.  That is, one man at a time establishes marital relations with many women.  In this type of family, rights and power rest in the hands of men.  Men have higher social and economic status than trenches.  Generally, such families are visible when there are more women in tribal society.  Such families are found more in Muslims because they have religious approval to have more than one wives.  Due to the passage of the Marriage-Law of 1955 among Hindus, such families have been banned.  But even today there are more number of Polygyni  married families than Bahupati, Polyandry.


 Polyandrous Family: In this type of family, a woman has many husbands.  At present, the prevalence of such family is found in the Khas of Jaunsar Babar region (Dehradun) and the Tod tribe of Nilgiri.  If all the husbands of a woman are brother-in-law, then it is called Fraternal Polyandrous family and if they do not have brother-brother or blood-related relationship, then it is called the non-Fraternal Polyandrous family.  family).  In such families, women do not go to their husbands’ home.  Hence, these families are also generally native and matrilineal.  In Abhaka Bahpati marriages, men go to the woman’s home together or on different occasions at the will of the woman.  The polygamous married family prevails in a society where the number of females is much less than that of males.


 Group Punaluan Family – This type of family is called group Vivahi family when many brothers or many men get married with many women.  In such a family, all men are equally husband to all women.


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  Types Of Family On The Basis Of Authority


  Patriarchal Family -In this type of family, the father is the head of the family.  The father and the man take the final decision regarding all the issues of the family.  Other family members obey him.  In general, the patriarchal family is the patriarchal and patriarchal family.  After marriage, the wife resides at her husband’s house.  The right to property is transferred from father to son.  Most of the families in India are patriarchal.  Hindus especially have more such families.


 Matriarchal Family – In this type of family, women are paramount.  Women have a higher status than men in the family.  The final decision on all matters regarding the family is taken by women and that decision is accepted by all the members.  In such a family, women often do not go to their husband’s house after marriage, but only the man stays at the wife’s house.  Direction and control in any discipline is through mother.  This does not mean that men are deprived of all rights.  Men do the work that men deserve.  The matriarchal family is also the matriarchal and maternal family.  In matriarchal family, property is transferred from mother to daughter.  Man does not have the right to property.  In such a family, the man gets the right, but the man is not the husband of the woman but his brother.  The man gets the rights from his sister not from his parents.  It means to say that in such families, the woman or mother has predominance.  The Khasi tribe of Assam has a prevalent matriarchal family.  Matriarchal families are found in the Nairs of Garo and Malabar.  In such a family, the socio-economic status of women is higher than men.


 Types of Family on the basis of Descent


 Patrilineal Family – The patrilineal family runs in the name of the father’s clan.  After marriage, women assume the surname of their husbands.  The Waco ATALATME seam is obtained.  The family of Hindus is a ancestral family.  is


 Matrilineal Family – The matrilineal family runs under the name of the mother’s clan.  The father’s lineage does not matter in this.  Women and mothers are known by their surnames

Huh .  In such a family, women do not go to their husband’s house after marriage, instead the man resides at the wife’s house.  Dynasty is derived from mother to daughters.  Such family prevails among the Nayars of Malabar.  Here the descent of mother is more important.



 Types of Family on the basis of Locality

 Patrilocal Family – In a patriarchal family, all the family members live at the residence of father or man.  After marriage, the wife moves to her husband’s house.  Family Residences – The tradition operates on behalf of the father or male officer.  Such families are prevalent among Hindus, Muslims and Bhil, Khadia tribes.  Such a family is also patriarchal and patriarchal.

 Matrilocal Family – In the matriarchal family, all the family members live at the residence of the mother or the woman.  After marriage, the wife does not go to her husband’s house, but the husband comes to live at the wife’s residence, this type of family is also matrilineal and maternal-ruling.  Maternal family is found in the Nairs, Khasi and Garo tribes of Malabar in India.  (iii) Neo – Local Family – Such families settle neither at the residence of the husband nor the residence of the wife, but they settle at a different place from both.  In the modern era, such families live in employment, jobs and industrial centers where the person works.  For example, nowadays urban families, where the person gets work, they settle there.


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Types of Family on the basis of Relations


Consanguineous Family– In this type of family, people of the same blood establish a marriage relationship among themselves.  Hence it is called equal blood family.  This type of family is found in Muslims.


 Conjugal Family– Individuals of different blood in the associate family establish the relationship of husband and wife.  Hence it is called a collaborative family.  This type of family is considered good from the point of view of Suprajan Shastra.  Similar family prevalence among Hindus.  In other civilized societies there is also the prevalence of supportive family.  PRIOR


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