Importance of Family

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Importance of Family


The family is a unique organization.  It is made automatically and is also mandatory for humans.  Such tasks and needs of the person are fulfilled by the family, which is not possible by other organizations.  Therefore, the family has a very important place in human life.  The importance of family has been accepted since ancient times.  Till date, no such organization has been formed, which can replace the family.  Hence it is indispensible.  Human being today has reached the pinnacle of civilization as a result of various functions of the family.  Important family functions are being mentioned here.

 Social Functions – Family is the smallest unit of society.  As a fundamental unit of society, it performs many important functions.  First, socialization – the person from a biological being.  The process of socialization is the process of socialization.  The process of socialization starts from the family itself.  The parents raise the children and introduce them to the customs and ideals of the society.  Children follow their parents as they see them.  Gradually children learn the rules of society and become functional as social animals.  Second, social control – Every society has its own rules and methods.  The society expects its members to behave according to these modalities. By human nature, there is such a creature, which gets arbitrary on getting a little relaxation.  If everyone starts doing things in an arbitrary way, a state of chaos will arise in the society.  Therefore, society imposes restrictions on the behavior of its members, so that they act according to the rules.  For this, society pressures the behavior of individuals through various means.  Family is one of the main means of social control.  When a person works in a society friendly manner, then he is appreciated by the family.  If a person acts against society, then the family members do not recognize him.  Therefore, he is motivated and encouraged to work in accordance with social customs.

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 Cultural Functions – Cultures elements from one generation to another.  Children are aware of their culture within the family.  The elders in the family learn the parental characteristics and then teach the new generation.  This transfers the culture of one generation to another and keeps it flowing.  The family tries to teach cultural characteristics to its members.  Therefore, according to the culture, a person’s personality is created.


 Psychological Functions – The most important function of the family is to provide mental protection and satisfaction to its members.  Along with physical security, mental protection is also essential for human life.  Love, sympathy, sacrifice, patience and harmony are found among family members.  This provides emotional security to the person.  They support each other a lot in happiness and sorrow.  They never feel lonely.  It gives mental satisfaction to a person.  In other groups, the person is not able to mentally ascertain himself nor does he get mental satisfaction.


 Recreational Function – The center of family entertainment.  All members of the family are entertained.  Young children listen to stories from grandma in the evening, this entertains them.  When a young person returns home tired from outside, the small voice of small children removes half their fatigue.  People are also entertained by the festivals, festivals, bhajans – kirtans etc. under the family.  All members of the family entertain themselves in their own way.  In rural and urban areas, family is equally important from the point of view of entertainment.  Now with the prevalence of television, all the members enjoy it together.  Even today, the family is completing the task of entertainment as before.  Apart from this, the family also has a role in political fields.  The task of making an ideal citizen is that of the family.  The family also gives instructions to its members regarding voting.  The family also provides religious education to its members.  Every family has to have some religion.  In relation to this, the family provides knowledge to the members so that their life is moral and sacred.


 Biological functions – The family performs three important functions in biological work.  Fulfillment of entire needs – Family is the place where social acceptance is fulfilled.  If the person arbitrarily starts fulfilling their sexual needs.  So a state of disorder will arise in the society.  Human like animal Will be made.  The family through its marriage institution regulates sexual behavior of men and women and maintains order in the society.  Second, progeny – not only fulfilling the sexual needs in the family, but also the work of procreation of children.  The society recognizes only the children born in the family.  The continuity of society remains from the birth of the child.  In this way, the family works to maintain the existence of society through child production.  Third, the continuity of the ethnic elements – through the family, man maintains the continuity of his ethnic elements.  Mankind has become immortal as a result of the origin of children.  In this way, the family performs the task of keeping the ethnic elements alive.

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 Functions related to Physical Security – In addition to biological functions, the family also performs physical security related work of its members.  There are many types of tasks under it. First, physical protection – under the family, the old, helpless, orphan, widow and patient members get physical security.  If a family member becomes crippled and handicapped, it is not removed from the family, if the parents die, then their children are not helpless, but other members take care of them.  Women do not have to wander from rate to death on the unnatural death of their husband.  Other family members support him.  In this way, we see that the family does the work related to the physical defense of its members.  In no other group or organization does the person get this kind of protection.  Second, raising children – when the child is bornIt is just an effigy of flesh.  Parents in the family prepare him by nourishing him.  If there is no family, raising children will be difficult.  It takes many days for a human child to stand on his or her feet as compared to other creatures.  In such a situation, the family has its maintenance work.  In addition to parents, the elders also take care of the children.  Third, the arrangement of food – Food is very important for the survival and efficiency of the body.  The family undertakes the arrangement of food for its members.  The family has been doing this work since time immemorial.  Thus the main function of the family is to provide food for its members.  Without this, neither a person can survive nor the creation of society is possible.  Fourth, the arrangement of residence – The family arranges residence for its members.  When the residence is managed, the person’s body is protected from cold, heat and rain.  The person feels more secure due to the arrangement of residence by the family.  Fifth, the arrangement of clothes – along with the arrangement of living, it is also necessary to manage the clothes.  Warm clothes during winter and light clothes for summer season are managed by the family.  This shows that it is the family’s job to arrange weather-friendly garments.


 Economic Functions – A family is an economic unit.  Economic means are used by the family in the society.  In the financial sector too, while important work is being done by the family, first, the production unit – the work of production is done by the family.  Family is still the center of economic production in primitive society and rural society.  All the family members participate in economic activities together.  The importance of the family as a unit of economic production has begun to decline in urban and industrial areas, but even today it is important in a simple society.  Second, division of labor – The family performs the task of division of labor among its members.  In the primitive society, the family used to distribute works among its members on the basis of extreme and gender differences.  Often women used to take care of home and children and men used to take care of hunting and outside work.  Baby chores Used to do and perform tasks of great responsibility.  Even today, there is division of work in the family.  The person who deserves the work is assigned the same task.  Often, women do household work and men do outside work.  Third, the determination of succession – succession of property is determined by the family.  Every society has its own rules.  The family transfers property according to the culture of the society and its ideals among members from one generation to the next.  This is to say that the family decides who is the real heir to the property.  In matriarchal matriarchal and matasthali families, property is inherited from mother to daughter.  On the contrary, in patriarchal, patriarchal and patriarchal families, wealth is received from father to son.  In this way, the family has been doing the work related to the succession of property.  Fourth, the management of income and property – There is also a provision of income and property in the family.  It is the head of the family that determines the income and how much will be spent.  If property is to be built, what will be its nature, ie it will be cash or jewelry or land.  This is to say that the family arranges to spend its income properly.

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  Bierstedt has divided the family’s work into two parts to make it more clear.  In the work that the family does, it does some work for the individual and some for the society.  The work done for one also affects the other.  The work done by them can be understood in the following way.

  1. Providing facilities for life. Work for the society
  2. Reproduction and continuity of the systems.

 3.Young control.

  1. Providing livelihood.
  2. Cultural transfer.
  3. Providing social posts.
  4. Providing sexual opportunities.
  5. Providing security and support.
  6. Socialization.
  7. Creating social identity of the person.



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