The importance of social movement

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The importance of social movement can be understood in all areas as follows:


  1. Establishment of egalitarian system
  2. Increase in power of exploited classes
  3. Reduction in regional inequalities
  4. New  Development of leadership
  5. Changes in attitudes
  6. Cultural co-ordination
  7. Social reform.

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1.Establishment of egalitarian system: Dr. MS Rao says that the main function of social movements is to bring about change in the form of society.  So that an egalitarian system can be encouraged. We call this situation Social Transformation. Due to the movements done by backward classes in different regions of India, the backward and lower castes are given religious, economic and rule.  Extensive facilities were obtained in the policy and education sectors.  Due to the influence of these movements, a new backward balance developed as a result of the movement of power in our society.  In Kerala, people of the Srinarayan Dharma Paripal castes also started getting recognized as religious leaders.  This is a function of social movements that was not possible by any other means.

  1. Increase in power of the underprivileged and weaker sections: An important function of social movements is to increase the power of the weaker and underprivileged sections of the society.  Those in different movements

186 Social change in India: Condition and direction: The group of people is the largest, whose problems are more serious.  Traditionally, scheduled castes, tribes, backward classes and women had no practical rights in the social system.  When these classes started getting new rights under the influence of various movements, their power increased so much that today every political party is committed to giving them various facilities to get maximum support from them.  The agrarian movements contributed to improving the socio-economic condition of the exploited farmers by increasing their power over the centuries.

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  1. Reduction of regional inequalities: One function of social movements in large-sized Bahujan societies is to reduce regional inequalities in a way that leads to equitable distribution of national resources.  This fact is evident from the movements taking place in Northeast India, due to which the states of this region got more economic facilities.  In fact, the economic and geographical conditions of all parts of a society or country are not equal.  In this situation, in those areas which are deprived of essential facilities, there are movements in such a way that the government is forced to increase their economic resources.  Indirectly, this condition produces social change.


  1. Development of new leadership: An important function of the social movement is that by changing the nature of leadership, they play an important role in social change.  Backward castes were most exploited in India till some time ago due to lack of organization and leadership.  Mahatma Gandhi’s movement against untouchability resulted in a new consciousness among the lower castes.  As a result of this consciousness, healthy leadership developed among the lower and backward classes and their situation began to improve rapidly.  New models of leadership developed as a result of various movements in the exploited tribal communities over the centuries.  This leadership is based on the individual’s own ability and ability.


  1. Changes in attitudes: Social movements also bring useful changes in the society by encouraging the process of cultural coordination.  It is true that at the initial stage of each movement, it incorporates elements of protest and struggle, but gradually the ideas and values ​​begin to develop with the influence of various movements that enhance cultural coherence.  Due to the movements in India by the lower castes, backward classes, tribes and women, various groups related to different castes, religions, languages ​​and economic conditions came into contact with each other and contributed to develop a coordinating culture.  .


  1. Social Reform: One of the main functions of social movements is to encourage the process of social reform by opposing social evils and superstitions.  As a result of periodic social movements in India, Sati system, child marriage and polygamy were abolished by law.  Widow women were given rights to remarry, dowry was declared a crime and women could get equal rights as men in the field of property and marriage.  The increase in women education is the result of the social movement, the abolition of untouchability and opposition to the veil system.




Reasons for the Movement:


The following are the main reasons for the reform movement that took place in India in the nineteenth century

  1. Contact with Western world: European arrival in India also marked the arrival of British.  After coming in contact with the western world, there was a new awareness in the national, social and religious life of Indians.  The promotion of Western education led to the development of nationalism and attracted the attention of Hindus towards social reform.  His superstition began to dissipate and in the social field, the voices of Sati, child slaughter, polygamy, child marriage etc. were raised against the evils.  –

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  1. Functions of the Asiatic Society: An Asiatic Society was established in Bengal in 1784 AD.  With its establishment, the Indian Renaissance received a strong support.  Under the auspices of this society, ancient Indian texts and European literature were translated into Indian languages.  As a result of comparative studies, Indians got acquainted with European science of science and rediscovered their ancient glory.  Some European scholars were influenced by ancient Indian ideals and praised him.  This gave Indians confidence.  His eyes opened.  They understood that they have fallen due to social and religious evils and unless these evils are removed, they will not get welfare.


  1. Propagation of Christian priests: Along with English, Christian priests also arrived in India.  After the establishment of the English state, he started preaching Christianity.  Many Indians were initiated into Christianity.  Christian clergy were also critical of Indian society and religion in connection with the propaganda.  This opened the eyes of the staunch Hindus.  They started to understand that foreigners and defective organizations of Indian society and religion are taking advantage of the foreign propagandists illegally.  He therefore felt that reforms were necessary to protect his religion.  In this way, the Indian reform movement was indirectly inspired by the work of evangelizing Christian priests.


4. Facilitation of exchange of ideas: As a result of the publication of newspapers and the convenience of traffic, exchange of ideas facilitated.  In the medieval period, there was an attempt to reform the society in India.  However, the establishment of the English state facilitated traffic.  Railway, post and telegraph etc. were arranged.  As a result, one could exchange ideas from one place to another or through his articles.


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