What is Conflict

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Under conflict, an individual or group tries to achieve its goals by suppressing or harming the desires of another person or group.  Struggle is not a product of the new era, but it is found in every society and time from time immemorial.  Conflict can be of different types.  When a person uses violent means to achieve his / her goals, the conflict starts.  Social, cultural, religious, economic and between individuals or groups in society

Conflict arises due to psychological reasons. The definition of conflict has been given by many scholars.  Some key definitions are being discussed here.

  According to Maciver & Page, ‘Social conflict involves all activities in which humans dispute against each other for any purpose.

 In the words of Gillin and Gillin, “Conflict is the social process in which an individual or group seeks to achieve its goals by directly threatening violence or violence to its opponent. This definition emphasizes violent methods.”  . We have to use violent means. There are many examples of this in the history of the world. Mahatma Gandhi fought non-violently and also got success.

 According to Green , ‘Conflict is thoughtfully the attempt to resist, retaliate or suppress the will of another or others.  In this definition, conflict was considered a deliberative process.  has gone.  Protest and force stop have been called conflicts.  In this sense, it is contrary to cooperation.

 Cooley  has written explaining the conflict.  , “Conflict and cooperation are not separate elements, but rather different stages of a process in which both elements are equally involved. That is to say, conflict and cooperation are not separate from each other, but two aspects of the same indicator.  Conflict is also found with cooperation and cooperation with conflict. Both cannot be understood by separation. These definitions show that conflict is a social process, under which an individual or group is concerned about its aims and objectives.  For fulfillment, it tries to suppress another person or group or acts against them.



Charecteristics Of conflict

Conflict is a disruptive process as well as an inevitable process.  Be it violent or non-violent.  It is possible.  Some of the major conflicts are as follows


  1. i) Two or more persons or groups

 (ii) Deliberate Process

  (iii) Personal Process

  (iv) Emotional Process,

  (v) Intermittent Process

 (vi) Universal Process

  (vii) Different Forms




Forms of Conflict

There are different forms of struggle.  Different sociologists, from their point of view, form of conflict.  Is mentioned.

 Maciver and Page discuss two forms of conflict


(i)Direct conflict (direct conflict) In this type of conflict, the person or group directly harms another person or group in order to fulfill its objectives and objectives.  In this, both sides get to know each other through face-to-face relationship.  Communal riots, war and other lies – fightEtc. are examples of direct conflict.  That is to say, it looks directly at each other in conflict.

 (ii) Indirect Conflict (Indirect Conflict) – In this conflict one party controls the other party indirectly loss or damage.  In indirect conflict, one person or group indirectly obstructs the principles of another person or group in order to fulfill their objectives, that is, one party does not come in direct contact with another party.  The Cold War (Cold War) between various nations is a very good example of this.  This type of conflict goes on between different traders.  There is no direct conflict between them.  One side tries to harm the other side without coming face to face.


  Gillin and Gillin discuss five types of conflict

 (i) Personal conflict (personal conflict) When a conflict occurs between a person and a person it is called a personal conflict.  In this, one person harms another person’s interests for fulfillment of his interests and policies.  In this type of conflict, feelings of jealousy, hatred and hatred are also found.  The episode of divorce between husband and wife is a good example of this.

 (ii) Racial conflict – When a conflict occurs between two people, such conflict is called a prevalent conflict.] One species comes into contact with another species and on the basis of physical characteristics considers the other species inferior and tries to suppress it.  Then there are these types of conflicts.  The struggle between blacks and whites in America is a vivid example of this.  In modern society, color and race differences have been increasing day by day.

  (iii) Class struggle – Class struggle consists of classes on various grounds.  When one class tries to harm the interest of another class in order to fulfill its interest and interest, such struggle is called class struggle.  This type of struggle occurs in every society in every era.  In reference to this, Karl Marx (Karl Marx) has said, the history of human beings in the world has been the history of class struggle.  In the present era, the struggle between workers and capitalists is class struggle.  Whenever interests and interests collide between different classes in the society, a class-conflict situation arises.  .

 (iv) Political conflict (Political conflict) – There are two forms of political struggle –

(A)National Conflict (Intercountry Conflict) – It involves a conflict between different political parties of the same nation.  A political group tries to harm another political party to serve its purpose.

  (B) International conflict (International conflict) – This type of conflict takes place from different nations.  When some countries of the world spoil the interests of other nations in order to fulfill their interests, then such struggle is called international conflict.

 Kingsley Davis describes two forms of conflict

  1. Partial Conflict (Partial Conflict) – This type of confidence is found in opposition to the means of achieving goals after agreement between two parties.
  2. Total struggle (total conflict) – There is no commitment and achievement of goals. Physical strength or force is used.  Davis has described only the difference in absolute conflict and partial conflict.





 Importance of Conflict


In fact, conflict is as important to society as cooperation.  In this context, Mechiver and Page say that “society struggle is a mixed cooperation” (ie, the balance of society is also based on the integration of both processes in the value of society).  While the Baha group has to face trouble and destruction through struggle, it proves to be very functional for the interlude.

It connects the people of the group.  When there was English rule in India.  Then this country was divided into various states and territories.  Here many kings and kings were running their rule under the British rule.  But the freedom struggle did not only connect the various provinces and territories of India, but also worked to unite different sects and castes.  Kosar has laid great emphasis on the functional initiative of the conflict.  Without struggle, good work cannot be done in the society.  Conflict is absolutely essential for an egalitarian society.  Today, every class which is rooted in the mainstream of social development is the result of their struggle.

In fact, the struggle has accelerated the pace of social development. Other scholars have also highlighted the importance of conflict.  Highlighting its importance, Reuter and Hart wrote, “The end of conflict is the basis of self-consciousness and collective consciousness as well as the reason for their development”.  It is meant to say that it is only through struggle that members of society become aware and conscious and are aligned in the thread of unity.  Conflict is sometimes required for both personal and social problems.  Neither a person nor a nation or society can move forward without struggle.  But conflict over a certain limit is harmful.  Many forms of struggle exist in the society and this is also a permanent fact.  Struggle is also necessary to remove social inequality, tyranny and corruption etc.  In the absence of this, one class exploits and continues to exploit the other.  In this context, Karl Marx has said that the history of human society is the history of class struggle.  Partial struggle to eliminate evils in society is beneficial.  Partial conflict has always been happening in the society, but the use of full or open conflict is harmful.  The conflict does not necessarily have to be violent.  Major goals can also be achieved through non-violent struggle.  Beesange and Beesange have stated “More conflict is destructive and it creates more problems than solutions to problems. Thus it is clear that along with cooperation in society, conflict is also necessary.”



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