Socio religious movement

Socio-religious movement Religion is not sterile. It brings social change. Functionalists have always spoken of religion as an agent of social change. There have been many religious movements in Europe. Catholicism has inspired a great deal of upheaval in Europe and America. Historians have recorded specific periods for social reform. Calvin, Martin Luther King and … Read more

Concept of communalism

Concept of communalism Communalism The rising trend of communalism and the accompanying violence has created a feeling of insecurity among the religious minorities. Muslims, Sikhs and Christians in particular fear discrimination and confrontation in the coming days. It may be just a fear, but the country cannot afford to let almost one-fifth of the country’s … Read more


Jainism New Sociology    Along with Hinduism and Buddhism, Jainism is one of the ancient religions of India. It still has its limited following. Jainism preaches a path of spiritual liberation through a disciplined lifestyle founded on the principle of non-violence. In the course of its history, it developed into a well-developed cultural system. … Read more


Christianity New Sociology    Christians are a minority in India’s religious statistics; Only one out of every forty Indians is a Christian, about 20 million. They are widely spread; ‘ They are found in practically all sub-cultural areas and regions of the country. They are not there as ‘immigrants’ or ‘foreign citizens’ who come … Read more


Sikhism New Sociology    Sikhism, which originated in Punjab in the teachings of Guru Nanak (1469–1539), is a monotheistic faith whose followers can currently be found throughout India and in many other parts of the world. Their estimated number is about twelve crores. Their main homeland is the Indian part of Punjab, but nearby … Read more

Buddhism and Sikhism

Buddhism and Sikhism New Sociology    Buddhism and Sikhism are broadly part of Hinduism. When the larger brotherhood is discussed, it is clearly said that the wider Hindu religion includes Buddhism and Sikhism. Historically speaking, Sikhism and Buddhism parted ways with Hinduism when Hinduism developed the rigors of rituals, that is, rituals. Same is … Read more


  Islam New Sociology    The third and youngest member of the family of Abrahamic religions, Islam (‘submission to the will of God’) dates back to 622 AD, when its originator, the Prophet Muhammad (571–632 AD) migrated from his native city of Mecca . (in Arabia), where he did not get the support he … Read more

  Hindu Religion

  Hindu Religion New Sociology    The beginning of religious diversity in India goes back to the protohistoric past of the country. There is substantial physical evidence of the existence of extensive religious activity in urban centers associated with the Indus Valley or Harappan civilization spread over the northwestern, northern and western parts of … Read more

Fundamentalism Communalism And Secularism

Fundamentalism, Communalism And Secularism New Sociology  whenever we are in india When we talk about fundamentalism, we are concerned with religious fundamentalism. Fundamentalism is a movement or belief in a return to the original texts or core tenets of revealed religion—usually in contrast, with modernism and liberalism in religion. Fundamentalism in India is related … Read more

Hinduism Islam Christanity Buddhism Jainism

 Hinduism Islam Christanity Buddhism Jainism   New Sociology  India is a pluralistic society. It has many breeds; many religions; and many languages and dialects. KS Singh has directed a national project on the people of India. They have studied 4635 communities living in our country. He reports that the majority of the Indian population … Read more

Gandhi Swami Vivekananda and BR Ambedkar

Gandhi, Swami Vivekananda and BR Ambedkar New Sociology  Religion was the center of Gandhi’s life, thought and work and he considered politics as a practical religion. However, his religious views were complex and his writings varied on all occasions. His views on religion were subject to change.   In this first place he considered … Read more

Magic Religion And Science

 Magic, Religion And Science New Sociology           religion   Magic and religion are intertwined. Tyler: Religion is belief in the supernatural. The idea of religion is closely linked to magic and science.   There are many elements of religion. These elements are related to magic in one way or another. Before we discuss … Read more

Principles Of Religion

 Principles Of Religion New Sociology  Anthropological theories of religion have been primarily concerned with examining the content of different concepts of the supernatural prevalent in different societies at different times. Earlier anthropologists also tried to trace the development of religion from crude to developed forms. Recent theories focus on outlining the functions of religion. … Read more

Sociology Of Religion By Thinkers

 Sociology Of Religion By Thinkers New Sociology  Max Weber is the most prominent thinker who established an independent branch like ‘Sociology of Religion’ in sociology by doing a very subtle scientific study of religion. Weber had started studying Calvinism of Protestant religion in his student life. On the basis of his practical experiences, Weber … Read more

Sociology of Religion

Sociology of Religion New Sociology    Religion : definition; Structure and characteristics of religion;   beliefs and rituals; magic, religion and science; the holy and the profane; church; sects and sects; priest, Shaman and Prophet.     II Sociological Interpretation of Religion: Origin of religion (evolutionary); Durkheim and Sociological Functionalism;   Weber and Phenomenology; … Read more