Political sociology

Political sociology 2023 SOCIOLOGY COMPLETE SOLUTION https://motivatives.com/about-us/2023-new-sociology-complete-solutions/ table of contents Political Sociology: Meaning, Definition, Contents, Scope and Nature Political Sociology: Meaning, definition, subject matter subject area, Causes and Nature of Emergence Special Approaches to Political Sociology normative approach structural functional approach systemic approach behavioral approach conflict approach Interrelationship between political system and society Democratic system: … Read more

Village leader

Village leader 2023 SOCIOLOGY COMPLETE SOLUTION https://motivatives.com/about-us/2023-new-sociology-complete-solutions/ Leadership occupies an important place in the rural power structure. In the present complex society, our entire social system is directly or indirectly based on leadership. The reason for this is that there are very few people in the society who have the ability to take decisions on … Read more

Panchayati Raj and Democratic Decentralization

Panchayati Raj and Democratic Decentralization 2023 SOCIOLOGY COMPLETE SOLUTION https://motivatives.com/about-us/2023-new-sociology-complete-solutions/ Panchayat is the most important institution of democratic governance and social system in India. Along with the execution of judicial rights and functions, many other more important functions are in the hands of Praj Panchayats. From the determination and implementation of policy and rules, the … Read more

Power Structure in Indian Villages

Power Structure in Indian Villages 2023 SOCIOLOGY COMPLETE SOLUTION https://motivatives.com/about-us/2023-new-sociology-complete-solutions/ India being an agricultural country, power has been concentrated with the owner of the land. power during the British rule. The structure was based on the Zamindari system. The landlord is the entire villager. Directly and indirectly operated and controlled the economic system. In this … Read more

Meaning of democracy

Meaning of democracy 2023 SOCIOLOGY COMPLETE SOLUTION https://motivatives.com/about-us/2023-new-sociology-complete-solutions/ There is maximum difference of opinion on the meaning of democracy. Many definitions and interpretations have been given to it. It has been called from being pompous to the best. Sartori did not hesitate to say that “democracy can be defined as a pompous name for something … Read more

Communist government

Communist government 2023 SOCIOLOGY COMPLETE SOLUTION https://motivatives.com/about-us/2023-new-sociology-complete-solutions/ Communist Communists give a different meaning to ‘government and power’. Power here refers to political power. According to him, the government is a puppet in the hands of the capitalists, which only works to protect the ‘rich class’ from the ‘poor class’. According to him, the basis of … Read more


RATIONALITY  RATIONALISATION  AND BUREAURACY 2023 SOCIOLOGY COMPLETE SOLUTION https://motivatives.com/about-us/2023-new-sociology-complete-solutions/ Weber’s concept of rationality and rationalisation are central to his theoretical, conceptual and methodological writings. He used these concepts with reference to Protestanism, capitalism, bureaucracy, social action and ideal type construction. He also discusses the nation of rationality in sociological investigation and value-free sociology. Rationality refers … Read more


CLASS, STATUS  AND PARTY 2023 SOCIOLOGY COMPLETE SOLUTION https://motivatives.com/about-us/2023-new-sociology-complete-solutions/ Weber’s theory of social class , status group and power is central to his writhing and are related to economic , social and political aspects respectively. It was written between 1911and 1920 and appears in the second volume of Economy and society .In this context ,Abraham … Read more


  AUTHORITY AND TYPES 2023 SOCIOLOGY COMPLETE SOLUTION https://motivatives.com/about-us/2023-new-sociology-complete-solutions/ According to Weber authority is related to power. indeed legitimate power is authority and authority is nothing but legitimate power. Therefore, the various forms of legitimate power will be the various forms of authority. According to Weber, authority determines the social action and the social organization. … Read more

Circulation of Elites

Circulation of Elites 2023 SOCIOLOGY COMPLETE SOLUTION https://motivatives.com/about-us/2023-new-sociology-complete-solutions/ In the field of social ideology, the concept of ‘circulation of the elite’ is a major contribution of Pareto. Through this concept, Pareto clarified the nature of different classes within the social structure on the one hand. On the other hand, he also analyzed the process of … Read more

The course of political economy

The course of political economy 2023 SOCIOLOGY COMPLETE SOLUTION https://motivatives.com/about-us/2023-new-sociology-complete-solutions/ Wilfredo Pareto ( Vilfredo Pareto : 1848 – 1923 ] – The name of Italy’s leading social thinker Wilfredo Pareto is one of the major scholars who have played an important role in organizing and giving a direction to sociological thought. Initially, Pareto’s thinking as … Read more

Mosca Robert mitchells

Mosca Robert mitchells 2023 SOCIOLOGY COMPLETE SOLUTION https://motivatives.com/about-us/2023-new-sociology-complete-solutions/ Mosca tried to develop Pareto’s elite theory (which is mainly social psychological) from the point of view of a political scientist and defined the ruling class more clearly. Tried to create new science. According to Mosca, there is one element in all types of political organizations or … Read more

Pressure group

Pressure group 2023 SOCIOLOGY COMPLETE SOLUTION https://motivatives.com/about-us/2023-new-sociology-complete-solutions/ The role of ‘pressure group’ or ‘interest group’ is very important in determining the functioning and political behavior of democratic states. These two concepts are not the same. While interest groups protect the economic, political, social and cultural interests of their members, pressure groups try to influence the … Read more


Bureaucracy 2023 SOCIOLOGY COMPLETE SOLUTION https://motivatives.com/about-us/2023-new-sociology-complete-solutions/ The word ‘bureaucracy’ is a Hindi variation of the English language word ‘bureaucracy’ which literally means a system of official class or a combination of intellectually related persons. In other words, it is a formal organization in which individuals hold different positions based on positions and are intellectually bound … Read more

Structure of political parties

Structure of political parties   political party features structure of political parties social organization of political parties political recruitment public participation political apathy Cause and Effect (with reference to India) Political party is an important concept of political sociology. Before analyzing the political party, a brief introduction to political sociology is all in China. The … Read more

Political recruitment

Political recruitment Recruitment and political socialization are two aspects of the same process. The study of political recruitment is the study of various elite groups in which the selection process is studied through which a section of a political elite is recruited from among the common people. Before the political form of the political system, … Read more

Political apathy

Political apathy 2023 SOCIOLOGY COMPLETE SOLUTION https://motivatives.com/about-us/2023-new-sociology-complete-solutions/ Political apathy refers to a person’s indifference to politics and a decline in political participation. political apathy is actually a much broader concept It is a part of ‘political alienation’. To understand political apathy, it is necessary to understand political alienation. Although alienation is an ancient concept, it … Read more

Political Processes in India

Political Processes in India 2023 SOCIOLOGY COMPLETE SOLUTION https://motivatives.com/about-us/2023-new-sociology-complete-solutions/ Role of Caste in Indian Politics Role of religion in Indian politics Role of Regionalism in Indian Politics Role of Linguistics in Indian Politic The current political processes of India are correlated with the pre-independence conditions. After the Mughal rule, the English rule continued for about … Read more


Regionalism 2023 SOCIOLOGY COMPLETE SOLUTION https://motivatives.com/about-us/2023-new-sociology-complete-solutions/ The feelings of regionalism also play an important role in politics. Regionalism is also known from Prade Sakta’s address. Defining regionalism is a difficult task because the region is defined by different bases like geography, economic development, linguistic unity, caste and tribe etc. Due to many of these grounds … Read more