Impact of Development on Educational Outcomes on Higher Education

Impact of Development on Educational Outcomes on Higher Education 2022 SOCIOLOGY-COMPLETE SOLUTIONS Manpower development has always been the main thrust of higher education. The early development phase of higher education was associated with colonialism. It was only after independence that the state promoted education as a means of social development. Since then we have indeed … Read more

Adult and Continuing Education

Adult and Continuing Education: 2022 SOCIOLOGY-COMPLETE SOLUTIONS NPE The perspective of adult education has been explained in paragraphs 4.10 to 4.13 and Chapter VII of the Action Plan-1986. The policy links adult education to national goals such as poverty alleviation, besides facilitating the building of reading and writing abilities. , promoting national integration, environmental protection, … Read more

Rural Education

Rural Education: 2022 SOCIOLOGY-COMPLETE SOLUTIONS • After independence, India saw education as an effective tool to bring about social change through community development. Administrative control was effectively introduced in the 1950s when, in 1952, the government grouped villages under a Community Development Block—an authority under the National Program that could control education in 100 villages. … Read more

Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan (SSA)

Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan (SSA) 2022 SOCIOLOGY-COMPLETE SOLUTIONS Program for Universal Elementary Education in India: 1. Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan is a historic step towards achieving the long cherished goal of Universalization of Elementary Education (UEE) through a time bound integrated approach in partnership with the State. The SSA, which promises to change the face of the … Read more

Effects of Education

Effects of Education: 2022 SOCIOLOGY-COMPLETE SOLUTIONS Governments generally have a strong direct involvement in the funding and provision of school education at various levels. Therefore, public policies in these areas have a major impact on the country’s accumulation of human capital. For a given level of initial per capita GDP, a higher initial stock of … Read more

Education and development

Education and development 2022 SOCIOLOGY-COMPLETE SOLUTIONS Effect of education on economic development Economics has been defined as the science of man in relation to ‘Getting money’ and ‘spending money’ activities. related to the desire   1. Anything that satisfies human desire is good. A commodity can be considered as an economic good only if it … Read more

Value education

Value education 2022 SOCIOLOGY-COMPLETE SOLUTIONS The growing concern over the erosion of essential values and the growing cynicism in the society has brought into focus the need for re-adjustment of curriculum to make education a powerful tool for the cultivation of social and moral values. In our culturally pluralistic society, education should promote universal and … Read more

Rashtriya Uchchatar Shiksha Abhiyan  (RUSA)

Rashtriya Uchchatar Shiksha Abhiyan  (RUSA) 2022 SOCIOLOGY-COMPLETE SOLUTIONS Rashtriya Uchchatar Shiksha Abhiyan (RUSA) is a Centrally Sponsored Scheme (CSS), launched in 2013, with the objective of providing strategic funding to eligible State Higher Educational Institutions. Central funding (in the ratio of 65:35 for general category states and 90:10 for special category states) will be norm … Read more

Higher Education System in India

Higher Education System in India: Current Scenario 2022 SOCIOLOGY-COMPLETE SOLUTIONS Contemporary times have seen students opting for higher studies with little interest or being careless. Moreover, there are very few institutes in India which are providing quality inputs to develop the learning skills of the students. The higher education system in India needs a lot … Read more

Emerging Trends in Education in India

Emerging Trends in Education in India 2022 SOCIOLOGY-COMPLETE SOLUTIONS 1. School Education: Current Scenario 2. Higher Education in India 3. Governance of Higher Education: Institutional Programs 4. National Educational Policy, 1986 5. University Grants Commission 6. Inter-University Center 7. Association of Indian Universities (AIU) 8. Councils 9. Rashtriya Uchchatar Shiksha Abhiyan (RUSA) 10. National Policy … Read more

Equality of Educational Opportunities

Equality of Educational Opportunities: 2022 SOCIOLOGY-COMPLETE SOLUTIONS            Provision of equal opportunities is the accepted working policy of all democratic nations. As Dr. Radhakrishnan said long ago, ‘Democracy provides only that all people should have equal opportunities for the development of their unequal talents’. Article 15, 16, 17, 38 and 48 … Read more

Women and Education

Women and Education 2022 SOCIOLOGY-COMPLETE SOLUTIONS   The importance of education has been emphasized by several international conventions, including the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the program of action of the 1994 International Conference on Population and Development. The Fourth World Conference on Women, held in Beijing in 1995, recognized that female literacy is … Read more

Barriers to education and mobility

Barriers to education and mobility 2022 SOCIOLOGY-COMPLETE SOLUTIONS There are many factors that hinder the mobility of individuals in a social structure, and such factors are referred to as constraints on mobility. Internal constraints can be classified as individuals’ values, aspirations and personality patterns. External constraints are the opportunity structure of the society on which … Read more

Other Educationally Backward Classes and Areas

Other Educationally Backward Classes and Areas: 2022 SOCIOLOGY-COMPLETE SOLUTIONS Suitable incentives will be provided to all educationally backward sections of the society, especially in rural areas. Adequate institutional infrastructure will be provided to hilly and desert districts, remote and inaccessible areas and islands. a) Minorities: Some minority groups are educationally disadvantaged or backward. Greater attention … Read more

Education, inequalities and Social justice:

Education, inequalities and Social justice: 2022 SOCIOLOGY-COMPLETE SOLUTIONS • Concept of Educational Equity • Opportunities, Education and Inequalities: • Caste, class, tribe, gender, rural-urban, education and social • mobility • Education for Equality-Disparities: Excerpts from Education Policy • Education for women’s equality: • Education of Scheduled Castes: • Education of Scheduled Tribes: • Other Educationally … Read more

Caste System

Caste System 2022 SOCIOLOGY-COMPLETE SOLUTIONS There are many views regarding the creation of the word ‘caste’. The classical country of caste is India. If seen in context, the word ‘caste’ in Hindi is derived from the root ‘jana’ of Sanskrit language, which means ‘to arise’ or ‘to generate’. In this way, the things having the … Read more

Social stratification

Social stratification 2022 SOCIOLOGY-COMPLETE SOLUTIONS The term stratification is derived from geology and refers to the classification of individuals into different levels in society, which is believed to be arranged vertically in the same way as the Earth’s surface. The layers are arranged vertically one above or below the other. But this geoscientific metaphor also … Read more